ما هى ترجمة إننا نحاول دوماً تفسير الأمور وفق ما نريد لا وفق ما هي عليه للانجليزية ؟
هل نسيت كلمة المرور؟ الرجاء إدخال بريدك الإلكتروني، وسوف تصلك رسالة عليه حتى تستطيع عمل كلمة مرور جديدة.
برجاء توضيح أسباب شعورك أنك بحاجة للإبلاغ عن السؤال.
برجاء توضيح أسباب شعورك أنك بحاجة للإبلاغ عن الإجابة.
برجاء توضيح أسباب شعورك أنك بحاجة للإبلاغ عن المستخدم.
The translation for “إننا نحاول دوماً تفسير الأمور وفق ما نريد لا وفق ما هي عليه” to English is “We always try to interpret things according to what we want, not according to what they are.”
Potential meanings based on context:
1. We try to see things as we wish them to be rather than as they really are.
2. We consistently attempt to understand matters based on our desires rather than their true nature.
Example sentences and their translations:
1. We often interpret situations based on our desires rather than their reality.
– غالباً ما نفسر المواقف بناءً على رغباتنا بدلاً من حقيقتها.
2. People tend to understand events through their preferences, not their factual existence.
– يميل الناس إلى فهم الأحداث من خلال تفضيلاتهم، وليس من خلال وجودها الفعلي.
Abeir Mahgoub Hassan Hussein
We always interpreted the issues from our opinions, not to take them from many different angles/ or not from the reality
Ahmed Hamza
We always try to explain things according to our desires and not according to what they are.
Pretty Swan
We always try to interpret things the way we like, not the way they really are.
Wael Abdul Hussain
We always try to explain things according to what we want, not according to what they are
Abu Farah Hasan
We always try to interpret things according to our wishes and not according to what they really are